Friday, March 13, 2009

Statement of Purpose

If you're a first year law student at VULS and paid attention at any point during Regulatory State, this blog isn't for, I'm just joshin', keep reading - we all know that any statue worth reading has a clear and concise Statement of Purpose.  Now I can predict what you're thinking right now and you're correct, there is no such thing as a "statute worth reading" but hopefully you possess a mind like mine that allows you to substitute words like "statute" and "blog" pretty liberally.  If you've been so blessed, you've now changed my original sentence to read "...any blog worth reading has a...Statement of Purpose" and by-golly, you'd be correct.  So as to not make you wait with baited breath any longer, I present to you, my fellow scholars, the Statement of Purpose to

This is the blog that students around the country - nay, around the Universe - will look to as a source of entertainment in their 8 am Corporations class or their 3-hour Administrative Law seminar or, on the lonely Tuesday afternoon, when the possibly-homeless gentleman sipping a Pabst Blue Ribbon at the Corner Pub won't stop arguing the merits of Spam versus Chicken of the Sea.  The articles - always hilarious, often poorly written, occasionally offensive, and sometimes possessing a tidbit of redeeming intellectual value - will be posted by individuals not unlike you or me:
  • Intelligent enough to be in law school
  • Disciplined enough to have made it to class
  • Apathetic enough to disregard the heated debate going on between that girl who looks like Gollum and the guy whose age is the subject of several over/under bets
  • Savvy enough to be interested in: mindless rants, cool links, funny pictures, interesting tidbits, hairbrain schemes, zany anecdotes, and more mindless, cool, funny, interesting, hairbrain, zany links...
Together, we will amass a website that will serve two noble purposes integral to any legal education.  First, this site WILL keep you entertained.  Maybe not all of it and maybe not all the time, but there should always be something that will at least be able to distract you long enough that there's a gaping whole in the Word document entitled "Torts - Class 23 - 3/12/09".  This leads to the second purpose which is to let the fabled Law School Curve do its job.  Let's be honest, we worked plenty hard for at least the last 10 years getting to where we are right now.  And let's take this to the next extreme which is, we'll all be working hard for the next 30 years of our life, trying to support a family and various destructive habits.  With that in mind, shouldn't we have a brief, 3-year hiatus where we can kick our feet up on the desk, let someone else do the talking, and learn about something far more valuable than the fictional idea of "mens rea" - e.g. Somali Pirates - from a source far more reliable than a "professor" with "respected degrees" - e.g. Wikipedia.  

Just a few quick rules to get us started...
  1. Tell your friends - that's the point.
  2. Don't start gossip about people in your school.  It seems to be a common misconception but this is not middle school and you are not Serena van der Woodsen and I am not Lonely Boy (in reality, I'm Chuck Bass).  Keep it civil people.  That said, celebs and professional athletes are fair game.
  3. Write something.  I've never blogged before but I know that I can allow people to become correspondents to the blog.  If you're good, you're hired...for no do my bidding.  Sound familiar?  That's because this is a great preparation for your Summer Internship with Judge Judy.
Alright, that's it for now.  Let the games begin.


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